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Our Doctor
Dr Eddy Bettermann, MD

Dr. Eddy Bettermann M.D. focused on family medicine and specialises in functional medicine preventing and reversing disease through nutritional and biological natural methods.

Our primary functional medicine goal is the maintenance of your health and wellness, and we are committed to safe and effective healthcare. 

Our Functional Medical Clinic is a unique healthcare facility, combining the strengths and knowledge of both traditional western and alternative functional medicine in a holistic manner. You will find here reliable information's for alternative doctors from different alternative doctors about integrative medicine -unconventional, unorthodox, unproven, or alternative, complementary, innovative, integrative therapies and western traditional medicine as well. 

Our primary goal is the maintenance of your health and wellness, and we are committed to safe and effective functional medicine healthcare. 

Our specialties include online functional medicine education by functional medicine doctor: food and allergy management through the use of Integrative medical therapy, Environmental Medicine, General Family Medicine, Chronic Fatigue, ADHD, autism, Fibromyalgia, Yeast/Fungus related diseases - Candidacies, mercury dental replacement and detoxification, Natural Thyroid Replacement, Weight loss, Lyme Disease, Erectial Dysfunction, Irritable Bowel Disease, Attention Deficit Disorder, Pervasive Developmental Disorders, Multiple Chemical Sensitivities, Addiction related programs, Intestinal Dysbiosis, as well as trigger point therapy using Neural Therapy. 

We utilize Vital Blood profile with darkfield microscopy by doctor, conventional as well as specialty laboratories for a thorough diagnostic work up of the disease in question. Our functional medicine treatment regimens are especially unique and are tailored specifically to the individual needs of each patient. 

Stop autoimmune disease - Functional medicine solutions: One of the first questions a patient is asked when seeking medical advice is, "What are your symptoms?" Unfortunately, when medical advice is sought from someone in conventional medicine, the treatment typically starts and ends with that question. But that failure to address the cause of disease - whether lifestyle, environment, diet or even stress - is at the root of an epidemic of chronic illnesses that threaten the health of people around the world, Read more



Lifestyle is the medicine: How to revolutionize your health by changing your daily habits. We've all heard that lifestyles make a difference in our health, but what is generally meant by lifestyle? Read more


Latest Clinic News:


Functional medicine for chronic disease: Chronic diseases are on the rise, and something needs to be done to stop them. Functional medicine is increasingly being recognized as a viable method to treat and prevent many of these illnesses. Read more

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